During March 1-2, the Avantaj Prim team conducted a playtest of Sugar Mess—Let’s Play VR, a first-person shooter, at Mediacor

During March 1-2, the Avantaj Prim team conducted a playtest of Sugar Mess—Let’s Play VR, a first-person shooter, at Mediacor. Our goal was to gather feedback from players who were asked to fully immerse themselves in the virtual reality world with engaging gameplay mechanics.

During March 1-2, the Avantaj Prim team conducted a playtest of Sugar Mess—Let’s Play VR, a first-person shooter, at Mediacor. Our goal was to gather feedback from players who were asked to fully immerse themselves in the virtual reality world with engaging gameplay mechanics. Since the project is in its final stages of development, the experience of the first users and the players’ emotions are invaluable to us.

We would like to thank our partners at the COR Creative Industries Association in Moldova for helping us host and organize this event!