
Game Developers Conference (GDC), in San Francisco, California from March...
GDC brings the game development community together to exchange ideas, discuss trends, and shape the future of the industry across...

Avantaj Prim participated at Nordic Game 2023 in Helsinki!
This week the Avantaj Prim team participated at Nordic Game 2023 in Helsinki!Many thanks to the hosts and visitors for...

Tokyo Game Show 2023.
The Avantaj Prim team took part in the international gaming exhibition Tokyo Game Show 2023. We were very pleased to...

During March 1-2, the Avantaj Prim team conducted a playtest...
During March 1-2, the Avantaj Prim team conducted a playtest of Sugar Mess—Let’s Play VR, a first-person shooter, at Mediacor....
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